I use these to store lessons, worksheets, activities, etc. that I will be using for the week. Sometimes when I'm super efficient, I plan a week or two ahead. All I use is a yellow cardstock sheet as a divider with a small sticky note (with the date, for example W-8/26/12) on the top right hand corner of the cardstock. This is worth the investment. You can also do this with other bins as well. What a great way to be ready to teach with materials at hand!
Lakeshore Learning All Purpose Organizer
Going to change the labels that came with the set to the cuter ones I got from
This is another great way to lay out your lesson plans for the day or week. I took some colored file folders and laid them out, then I labeled the subject with address labels on a green note card backing. Red for language arts, yellow for math, green for ELD, and blue for science, social studies, and Friday art; I coordinated my folders to the color of my school/district curriculum. The ones I used here are the wavy tab multi-colored file folders, which I bought from Staples awhile back. Not sure if they still carry these kind.
Posting Objectives
Objectives tell the students what they are learning for the week or day.
They can also be learning goals which can be aligned with Common Core.
I put my objectives on a pocket chart so they are easy to change.
I put my objectives on a pocket chart so they are easy to change.
Here are two examples.